Special State Protection Service warns about spam and viruses

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Recently, an activity is observed in the transaction of spam and infected files over Azerbaijan.


Press service of the Ministry of Communication and High Technologies told APA-Economics that different mail hosting and mail users send viral letters in the subject of “my new photo ;)” and with “my_photo.zip”, “iphone_photo.zip” , “photo.zip”, “transact_store.zip” and other similar attachments to the e-mail users in our country from different countries with different IP addresses.


The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) under the Special Communication and Information Security State Agency of the Special State Protection calls e-mail users to be careful and warns them not to open such files and immediately delete them.


“Opening of such files and attachments threats your computers and data, including, other computers or any information carriers in the network of your organization, company”, the CERT said.

