“We are not deploying troops in Georgia “, The Pentagon spokes person, Elizabeth Hibner told APA U.S bureau.
“Department of Defense’s European command, which deals directly with Georgia as far as they send any training teams or assessment teams, or anything like that. But I can’t confirm whether there are any small teams in Georgia right now doing that,” she added.
Ms. Hibner mentioned that on January 9th Secretary Rice signed the USA-Georgia charter on strategic partnership.
“That includes security cooperation but I don’t know anything was implemented from that at this point. That’s the State Department’s document” she said.
“I heard nothing about American forces moving to Georgia. State department don’t have information about that”, Robert Mcintyrff spokes person of the State Department said.
Caucasus-Press agency reported that the US had planned to establish military bases in Poti and Marneuli for 90 years. The report covers that the US sent 150-member military trainers to Georgia for 20 months in April, 2002. Pentagon said that trainers would be engaged in military trainings in Georgia.