Azerbaijan is expected to grant a military service deferment for those who want to receive full doctoral study at state-funded scientific institutions and organizations or those who seek full doctoral and master education at state universities.
The issue was included in item 9 of article 7 of a new bill on science, which was discussed at the joint meeting of the science and education committee with other committees.
Item 9 of the article “State guarantee for the right to scientific research and scientific activity” reads, “The state, in accordance with the principle of continuity of education, grants a military service deferment for those who receive full doctoral study at state-funded scientific institutions and organizations or receive full doctoral and master education at state universities”.
The committee’s chairman, Shamsaddin Hajiyev, added that this deferment is only for one draft period, which means whoever fails examinations will be drafted next time.
“It’s not permanent deferment of military service,” he stressed.
The discussion of the bill is underway.