Azerbaijani Parliament has today adopted thet draft law “On 2016 state budget of Azerbaijan Republic”.
According to APA-Economics, prior to adoption the Finance Minister Samir Sharifov touched upon a number of issues raised by MPs.
Sharifov said that some proposals made by MPs were about socio-economic development concept of the government. The minister added that proposals of MPs regarding settlement of refuges and internally displaced persons and improvement of their housing conditions have been taken into consideration and the expenditures for this were increased 50% to AZN 150 mln and will be allocated from AZN 50-mln growth of SOFAZ’s expenditures. Upper limit of consolidated budget reached AZN 19.956 bln, deficit (excluding SOFAZ revenues) will make AZN 9.948 bln. One of the amendments was related to that concession imposed on incomes tax does not concern those whose salary exceeds AZN 250. The upper limit, on which concession was imposed, was increased to AZN 2,500 and this concession will concern over 500,000 persons. Those persons’ monthly salary will increase 3-9%.
After Finance Minister’s speech, the draft law was adopted.