Azerbaijan Council of Press announced three more newspapers like “racket” publications

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Azerbaijan Council of Press has declared three more newspapers to be “racket” publications. “On basis of the complaints, at the sitting of the comission the appeals regarding the newspapers called “Son olay”, “Pressing” and “Iravan press” have been analysed and all the three publications have been declared to be “racket” newspapers. On Friday, the Council of Press has notified Trend News. The reference of Trend News: Over 3300 mass media vehicles have been registered in Azerbaijan. At the time being, abot 600 out of them function. Aproximately 400 newspapers and journals are published and more than 20 television channel function. In Azerbaijan, there are approximately 50 electronic mass medium and approximately 20 information agency. But the rest is Internet ressources.

The Council of Press received complaints from the schools in Baku city number 170 and 234 of the newspaper “Pressing” and from Gandja branch of Azerbaijan Institute of Teahers and from Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Colledge of the newspaper “Iravan press” and from police department in Beylagan district of the newspaper “Son olay”. “ There have been published prejudiced materials which do not substantiate with evidences and facts and defy the articles of the requirements of “Professional Treatment Rules of Azerbaijan Journalists” in these newspapers.There have been acts characterustic of menace. Taking all these into account, the commision members decided to include them the black list of Council of Press” – it is said in the information.

The discussion of the complaint of Gandja branch of Azerbaijan Institute of Teahers concerning the newspaper

“Youth of the Republic” has resulted in obtaining understnding between parties. “It has been decided the newspaper is bound to publish a letter representing the position of the counterpart.”