The French website has posted an article titled “Azerbaijan urges for observance of international law for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict”.
The article highlights that the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has begun at the beginning of the XX century (in 1919 by the British and in 1921 by the Soviet power), noting that the territory belongs to Azerbaijan. It is stated that in February 1988 and May 1994 in Nagorno-Karabakh, located in the southwest of Azerbaijan, there were again heard volleys of heavy weapons.
The author notes that the international community recognizes Nagorno Karabakh as the historical territory of Azerbaijan. It is stated that Armenia ignores the resolutions number 822, 853, 874 and 884 adopted by the UN Security Council in 1993, and also the resolution number 62/243 adopted by the General Assembly of this organization in 2008, demanding complete, immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian occupational forces from these territories, and the aggressor still keeps under occupation the historical lands of Azerbaijan.
In article, it is brought to the attention of readers that the Armenian occupational forces carried out against the Azerbaijani people living in Nagorno Karabakh, the policy of ethnic cleaning, as a result of which more than one million Azerbaijanis were ousted from their homelands who can’t return to their homes so far, and the Armenians continue armenization of the occupied territories.
It is noted that President Ilham Aliyev resolutely brings the right voice of the Azerbaijani people to the international community for fair settlement of the conflict.
The article also raises the question of influence of the Armenian lobby in France on this problem.
It is reported that a group of the French parliamentarians and senators in April current year have addressed with an open letter, published in the “Figaro” newspaper, the President of France François Hollande. In their address, they ask official Paris which is the member of UN Security Council to urge Armenia to observe international law and withdraw its armed forces from the historical territories of Azerbaijan.
Finally, the article underlines that in Azerbaijan, the Jews, Christians and Muslims live in peace and coexistence, and expresses bewilderment in connection with the ignorant attitude of the French press towards to the Nagorno-Karabakh problem.