Azerbaijani army carries out test firings with Buk-MB anti-aircraft missile battalion complexes

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Under the leadership of Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, the Air Force carried out combat firing practice with Buk-MB anti-aircraft missile battalion complexes which are included in the arsenal of air defense troops.


First Deputy Prime Minister Yagub Eyyubov also attended the exercises, the Defense Ministry said.


Experts gave information about the combat lining, composition, purpose, tactical-technical features and destruction range of anti-aircraft complexes as well as the staff and the power and means allocated for the combat firings.


Then, firing practice was carried out. “Saman” targets simulating ballistic missiles under the impact of fire and radio-electronic means of the conditional enemy and aerodynamic targets, flying at low altitude, were detected and destroyed with anti-aircraft missiles.


The air defense troops successfully fulfilled the tasks given by the Defense Minister, and the results of the firing practice were praised.