‘Armenian genocide’resolution passed by U.S Senate’s committee must not be taken seriously

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A resolution recognizing the “Armenian genocide” passed by U.S Senate’s committee must not be taken seriously, Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Ismail Alper Joshgun told media on April 11.

“One can not give a political assessment to the historical events,” he said. “This is the historians’ business.”

“One can not falsify or change the history,” the ambassador said.

He was commenting on the “Armenian genocide” resolution passed by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate.

The Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate has recently passed S.Res.410. resolution on “Armenian genocide”, calling on the Senate to join it and achieve the Senate’s position to be expressed in the U.S. foreign policy.

Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that Turkey’s predecessor – the Ottoman Empire allegedly carried out “genocide” against the Armenians living in Anadolu in 1915.

While strengthening the efforts to promote the so-called “genocide” in the world countries, Armenians have achieved its recognition by the parliaments of some countries.

It is expected that the Armenian lobby will strengthen its activity in the world countries’ parliaments, particularly in the U.S. Congress in connection with the anniversary of the “genocide” in April.

