Azerbaijani archeologists to cooperate with German and Georgian collegues

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Azerbaijani archeologists will cooperate with German and Georgian collegues.

A memorandum on cooperation was signed on complex research on paleometallurgy and Early Bronze Age ceramics of the South Caucasus among the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, German Mining Museum Bochum and the National Museum of Georgia.

Arheo metallurgy field research expeditions will be held with the organizational supported by the Bochum Museum, particularly in the western regions of Azerbaijan and eastern regions of Georgia in the South Caucasus in 2014-2016, according to the memorandum.

In accordance with the agreement, the samples of the paleometallurgy and ceramics taken from the museum collections will be analyzed in the leading research laboratories in Germany.

Training on paleometallurgy and ancient pottery will be conducted in Germany in the framework of cooperation for training and specialization of young cadres from Azerbaijan and Georgia on a permanent basis. The research results will be presented at international scientific conferences, which will be held in Baku and Tbilisi in 2016.