Azerbaijani Center for Strategic Studies and Belarusian Information and Analytical Center sign memorandum of understanding

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The Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Republic (SAM) has today held a round table “Azerbaijan-Belarus bilateral relations”.

SAM Director Farhad Mammadov and Director of the Information and Analytical Center under the Aegis of the Belarus Presidential Administration Alexander Bazanov made keynote speeches at the event.

Head of the Working Group on Azerbaijan-Belarus interparliamentary relations, chairman of the Economic Policy Committee, MP Ziyad Samadzadeh, deputy director of the Information and Deputy Director of Information and Analytical Center under the Aegis of the Belarus Presidential Administration Alexei Matsevilo and expert of the Center’s Consultative Board Sergey Kizima delivered lectures.

The event focused on the establishment and development of Azerbaijan-Belarus bilateral relations, Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno Karabakh and its resolution, Azerbaijan’s policy in the South Caucasus and other issues.

At the end, Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Republic signed a memorandum of understanding.