Baku hosts Copyright-Internet seminar

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The international seminar “Copyright in Internet: prospects and problems” co-organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Copyright Agency of Azerbaijan (CAA) was held Thursday here.

Speaking to the event, CAA Chairman Kamran Imanov underlined the importance of ensuring copyright in Azerbaijan. He noted this seminar is a follow-up to a series of the Copyright-Internet events. According to him, participation of representatives of respected international organizations heightens the importance of the event.

Imanov noted the seminar on Copyright-Internet is the final event held by the CAA in the ICT Year designated in the country by the presidential order. He went on to say that the seminar is held in the current year marking 45th anniversary of Internet.

Representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Ismayil Sadigov said the year 2013 was announced by President Ilham Aliyev`s order as the Year of Information and Communication Technologies. According to him, the international seminar organized by the Copyright Agency of Azerbaijan and World Intellectual Property Organization is a very important event. Participation of reputable international organization in the event is an indicator of importance attached in the world to the digital rights management.

Executive Director of the Science Development Foundation under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elchin Babayev said that the present seminar is an indicator of the CAA`s hyperactivity. Babayev underlined the importance of protecting copyright in all fields and hailed the activity of the CAA in this direction.

CAA Chairman Kamran Imanov delivered a presentation “Challenges in Protection of Copyright on the Internet. Azerbaijan`s experience.”

He noted that Azerbaijan consolidates its positions and takes a worthy place on the international arena. The Azerbaijan Model of sustainable development realized by President Ilham Aliyev has some important factors including stability and economic development, social orientation and justice, commitment to cultural diversity and traditions, democratization, innovation and modernization, progress based on knowledge, ICT and intellectual property.

Imanov noted that e-government is rapidly developing in the country. Last year saw 262,000 visitors of the portal. Successful reforms implemented in the country boost copyright development in the country.

According to him, international reports placed Azerbaijani institutions 69th for intellectual property protection, leaving Kazakhstan behind by four positions, Russia by 44 and Ukraine 64. This makes Azerbaijan a leader in the CIS area. The latest reports show that Azerbaijan leads the South Caucasus in terms of protection of intellectual property.

The Azerbaijan2020: Outlook for the Future Development Concept prepared on the basis of President Ilham Aliyev`s order of 2011 adopted copyright and other intellectual property rights as priority directions. The recent years saw passing of the law on protection of intellectual property and fighting piracy, improvement of the national strategy on development of the intellectual rights and copyright development, conduct of the intellectual property rights capacity-building events as part of the EU Twinning Programme.

